Contains three types of non-ionic surfactants: The first removes: plant fats, animal fats, fatty acids. The second: mineral oils, synthetic oils, automotive greases, solid greases, and machine oils. The third removes: proteins, organic contaminants, burnt fats. Extends the life of your ultrasonic cleaner. Contrary to appearances, the stainless steels from which ultrasonic cleaners are made can also corrode, especially pitting corrosion. Using fluids without an inhibitor risks that one day all the fluid will leak from the cleaner through a hole smaller than a pinhead. The product is not corrosive to metals, plastics, and other materials. The surfactants contained in it are biodegradable according to (EC) No 648/2004 (Detergent Regulation). Contains an ionic, inorganic complexing agent. It is the only one that contains a corrosion inhibitor (a component that prevents corrosion). Removes mineral contaminants such as gypsum and cement. Great for cleaning coins and jewelry made of precious and colored metals. Removes tarnished oxide deposits on metals. Dissolves salts that are insoluble in regular water. Deposits on metal elements are most often oxides, but the deposits also include: hydroxides, carbonates, and sulfides. Applications: dentistry, orthodontics, prosthetics, medical and cosmetic offices, watchmaking, jewelry, numismatics, and military optics, workshops, automotive, electronics. Usage: Prepare a concentrate in a ratio of 1:10. Less contaminated items can be cleaned with a 1:50 solution. Heavily adhered contaminants can be cleaned with the concentrate. Contains: < 5% of each individual non-ionic surfactant, 5 – 15% sodium versenate (EDTA), < 5% corrosion inhibitor.
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