Are you looking for spare/service parts for the Wahl KM10 clipper? Make your selection based on the service diagram of the clipper. Tip: Available parts are visible after expanding the list above the Add to Cart button. is an authorized warranty and post-warranty service for Wahl clippers designed for animals. All offered parts are original service parts from the manufacturer. If you need a part that cannot be selected and/or is not shown on the diagram, please contact us, and we will verify the possibility of ordering it.
Product Code | Name
0010 | SRV-W-1261-7000 | Housing for Wahl KM10 clipper
0020 | SRV-W-1250-7020 | Set of mounting screws for KM10 clipper
0030 | SRV-M-1250-7000 | Pivot for Wahl KM10 clipper
0040 | SRV-W-1261-7010 | Motor support for Wahl KM10 clipper
0050 | SRV-W-1261-7020 | Motor for Wahl KM10 clipper
0060 | W-1261-7030 | PCB electronics for Wahl KM10 clipper
0070 | SRV-M-1245-7030 | Blade hinge for Wahl KM10 clipper
- | SRV-M-1225-7180 | Blade latch for Wahl KM10 clipper
0080 | W-1260-7010 | Blade snap for Wahl KM10 clipper
0090 | W-1260-7000 | Power supply with cable (4m) for Wahl KM10 clipper
0100 | SRV-M-1250-7080 | Clip for Wahl KM10 clipper
0110 | SRV-W-1261-7200 | Electronics connector for Wahl KM10 clipper
- | SRV-M-1221-7510 | Snap-On blade screw for Wahl KM10
- | SRV-M-1245-7005 | Blade pressure spring for Wahl KM10
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