
144 products

  • GranataPet & Turkey - grain-free wet dog food, salmon and turkey GranataPet & Turkey - grain-free wet dog food, salmon and turkey

    Granatapet GranataPet & Turkey - grain-free wet dog food, salmon and turkey

    Wet dog food, GranataPet Salmon & Turkey with salmon, turkey, potatoes, rose hips, parsley, and evening primrose oil, produced from the highest quality ingredients. Only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs) are used in its production. No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, nor are any fillers or meat substitutes added. It has been supplemented with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (e.g., borage, flaxseed, evening primrose), and green-lipped mussel. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet food is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny coat, strong heart and muscles, proper digestion and intestinal function, strong bones and flexible joints. Wet food is also a way to hydrate your dog. Proper hydration is essential for their health. With the high moisture content of wet food, dogs do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for dogs prone to urinary stones. By feeding GranataPet to your pet, you can be sure you are providing them with a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Wet food chicken with parsnip GranataPet Liebling's Mahlzeit Salmon & Turkey: a complete meal for adult dogs contains as much as 65% muscle meat and offal from salmon and turkey. Salmon provides protein and essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the dog's skin and coat. Turkey is exceptionally easy to digest and contains high-quality protein, vitamins B12 and B6. It also contains significant amounts of potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Evening primrose oil provides a dose of polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acids, various amino acids, and vitamin E. It improves the condition of the skin and coat, has anti-inflammatory properties, and positively affects the joints. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. The included potatoes provide energy for activity, are easily digestible, and contain significant amounts of vitamins C, B1, B3, niacin, and minerals. Interestingly, potatoes positively affect cholesterol levels. Rose hips contain significant amounts of vitamin C, are a strong antioxidant, and inhibit the action of free radicals. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is approximate. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed the dog in two portions daily. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If the dog has not eaten it all before the next meal, leftovers should be discarded, the bowl thoroughly washed, and then fresh food added. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as dogs do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Dog weight Daily portion of food normal activity level low activity level 5-10kg 320-540g 280-470g 10-20kg 540-905g 470-785g 20-30kg 905-1230g 785-1060g 30-40kg 1230-1525g 1060-1315g 40-50kg 1525-1800g 1315-1555g Ingredients: salmon and turkey meat 65% (salmon 20% and turkey 45% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, liver), salmon and turkey broth 27.3%, potatoes 4%, rose hip fruit 1%, pomegranate seeds 1% (dried and finely ground), minerals 1%, evening primrose oil 0.5%, parsley 0.1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin) Analytical components: protein 10.4%, fat content 5.8%, crude ash 2.4%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.21%, phosphorus 0.18% Dietary additives: zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, m

    €20,27 - €54,24

  • GranataPet 24x Dog Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Dog Food, Mix of 10 Flavors GranataPet 24x Dog Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Dog Food, Mix of 10 Flavors

    Granatapet GranataPet 24x Dog Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Dog Food, Mix of 10 Flavors

    GranataPet Food Set includes: 2x GranataPet Angus Beef & Pumpkin - 800g 3x GranataPet Beef & Pheasant - 800g 3x GranataPet Duck & Goose - 800g 2x GranataPet Lamb & Potato - 800g 2x GranataPet Salmon & Turkey - 800g 3x GranataPet Veal & Coney - 800g 3x GranataPet Veal & Lamb - 800g 2x GranataPet Venison & Angus Beef - 800g 2x GranataPet Venison Ragout & Beef - 800g 2x GranataPet Venison & Salmon - 800g Wet dog food, GranataPet, is produced from the highest quality ingredients. It is made using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is supplemented with valuable additions such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (e.g., borage, flaxseed, evening primrose), and green-lipped mussels. These enhance the nutritional value and flavor of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control and tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet food is a recipe for: - Healthy skin and shiny coat - Strong heart and muscles - Proper digestion and intestinal function - Strong bones and flexible joints Wet food is also a way to hydrate your dog. The proper level of water in the body is essential for its health. With the high moisture content of wet food, the dog does not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for dogs prone to urinary stones. By providing GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure you are giving them a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your dog and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed the dog in two portions daily. Do not leave wet food open for more than a few hours. If the dog has not eaten it all before the next meal, any leftovers should be discarded, the bowl should be thoroughly rinsed, and only then should fresh food be placed in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in a sealed container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as dogs do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Dog Weight | Daily Food Portion | Normal Activity | Low Activity 5-10kg | 320-540g | 280-470g 10-20kg | 540-905g | 470-785g 20-30kg | 905-1230g | 785-1060g 30-40kg | 1230-1525g | 1060-1315g 40-50kg | 1525-1800g | 1315-1555g Ingredients for GranataPet Angus Beef & Pumpkin: Angus beef meat 65% (consisting of muscle meat, heart, liver, lungs, bladder), Angus beef broth 26.4%, pumpkin 2%, zucchini 2%, sea buckthorn 2%, pomegranate seeds 1% (dried and finely ground), minerals 1%, black cumin oil 0.5%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin). Ingredients for GranataPet Beef & Pheasant: Beef and pheasant meat 65% (beef 50% consisting of muscle meat, heart, liver, lungs, bladder, and pheasant meat 15% consisting of muscle meat, heart, liver), beef and pheasant broth 26.4%, carrot 5%, spinach 1%, pomegranate seeds 1% (dried and finely ground), minerals 1%, milk thistle oil 0.5%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin). Ingredients for GranataPet Duck & Goose: Chicken, duck, and goose meat 65% (chicken 35% consisting of muscle meat, heart, liver, stomach, and duck 15% consisting of muscle meat, heart, liver).

    €75,50 - €107,45

  • GranataPet Angus Beef & Pumpkin - single protein grain-free wet food for dogs, beef and pumpkin GranataPet Angus Beef & Pumpkin - single protein grain-free wet food for dogs, beef and pumpkin

    Granatapet GranataPet Angus Beef & Pumpkin - single protein grain-free wet food for dogs, beef and pumpkin

    Wet dog food, GranataPet Angus Beef & Pumpkin, beef with pumpkin, zucchini, sea buckthorn, and black seed oil, produced from the highest quality ingredients. Only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs) are used in its production. No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is supplemented with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (e.g., borage, flaxseed, evening primrose), and green-lipped mussel. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany, ensuring complete traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet food is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny coat, strong heart and muscles, proper digestion and intestinal function, strong bones and flexible joints. Wet food is also a way to hydrate your dog. The proper level of water in the body is essential for its health. Due to the high moisture content of wet food, the dog does not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for dogs prone to urinary stones. By feeding GranataPet to your pet, you can be sure you are providing a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced diet every day. GranataPet Liebling's Mahlzeit Angus Beef & Pumpkin: a complete meal for adult dogs contains as much as 65% muscle meat and offal from beef. Angus beef is considered the best quality, characterized by excellent taste. It provides the animal with good quality protein and fat, is well absorbed, and easily digestible. It contains the highest iron content among slaughter animals. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Black seed oil supports the dog's immune system; its presence in the dog's diet helps combat allergies and inflammatory conditions in the body. It is a source of unsaturated fatty acids, essential oils, as well as beta-carotene and vitamin C. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. Pumpkin is a healthy source of energy for dogs, containing significant amounts of beta-carotene, vitamin B1, and magnesium. Zucchini is a low-calorie and easily digestible vegetable, providing valuable plant protein, minerals, iron, and vitamin C. It also contains beta-carotene, positively impacting the dog's vision and skin condition. Sea buckthorn is a source of vitamin C, has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties, and strengthens blood vessels. The food contains no grains, slaughter by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Monitor your dog and adjust the amount of food given as necessary. It is recommended to feed the dog in two portions daily. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If the dog has not eaten it all before the next meal, the leftovers should be discarded, the bowl thoroughly washed, and only then should fresh food be added. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in a sealed container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as dogs do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Dog weight Daily food portion normal activity level low activity level 5-10kg 320-540g 280-470g 10-20kg 540-905g 470-785g 20-30kg 905-1230g 785-1060g 30-40kg 1230-1525g 1060-1315g 40-50kg 1525-1800g 1315-1555g Ingredients: Angus beef 65% (consisting of muscle meat, heart, liver, lungs, bladder), Angus beef broth 26.4%, pumpkin 2%, zucchini 2%, sea buckthorn 2%, pomegranate seeds 1% (dried and finely ground), minerals 1%, black seed oil 0.5%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin), minerals 1%, evening primrose oil 0.5%, parsley 0.1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin). Analytical constituents: protein 10.8%, fat content 7.2%, crude ash 2%.

    €20,27 - €54,24

  • GranataPet Beef & Pheasant - grain-free wet dog food, beef and pheasant GranataPet Beef & Pheasant - grain-free wet dog food, beef and pheasant

    Granatapet GranataPet Beef & Pheasant - grain-free wet dog food, beef and pheasant

    Wet food for dogs, GranataPet Beef & Pheasant with beef, pheasant, carrots, spinach, and milk thistle oil, made from the highest quality ingredients. Only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs) are used in its production. No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, nor are any fillers or meat substitutes added. It is supplemented with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (e.g., borage oil, flaxseed oil, evening primrose oil), and green-lipped mussel. These enhance the nutritional value and flavor of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet food is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny coat, strong heart and muscles, proper digestion and gut function, strong bones and flexible joints. Wet food is also a way to hydrate your dog. Proper hydration is essential for their health. Due to the high moisture content of wet food, dogs do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for dogs prone to urinary stones. By feeding GranataPet to your pet, you can be sure you are providing them with a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Wet food chicken with parsnip GranataPet Liebling's Mahlzeit Beef & Pheasant: a complete meal for adult dogs contains as much as 65% muscle meat and offal from beef and pheasant. Beef provides the animal with high-quality protein and fat, is well absorbed, and easily digestible. It contains the highest iron levels among livestock. The juicy meat of pheasant has a delicate game flavor and is very eagerly consumed by dogs and cats. It is lean and low-calorie, providing not only protein but also calcium, B vitamins, and omega-6 fatty acids. Pomegranate seeds contain a whole range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Milk thistle oil positively influences digestion, improves liver and gallbladder function. It is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, including oleic and linoleic acid. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. The included carrots are a source of dietary fiber, supporting the proper functioning of the dog's intestines. Rich in vitamins A and C, potassium, and iron, spinach is a low-calorie vegetable that provides valuable plant protein, minerals, iron, vitamins C and K1, and folic acid. It positively influences blood circulation and metabolism. The food contains no grains, slaughterhouse waste, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table are approximate. Observe your dog and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed the dog in two portions daily. Do not leave wet food open for more than a few hours. If the dog has not eaten it all before the next meal, the leftovers should be discarded, the bowl thoroughly rinsed, and only then should fresh food be added. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as dogs do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Dog weight Daily food portion normal activity level low activity level 5-10kg 320-540g 280-470g 10-20kg 540-905g 470-785g 20-30kg 905-1230g 785-1060g 30-40kg 1230-1525g 1060-1315g 40-50kg 1525-1800g 1315-1555g Ingredients: beef and pheasant meat 65% (beef 50% consists of muscle meat, hearts, liver, lungs, bladder, and pheasant meat 15% consists of muscle meat, hearts, liver), beef and pheasant broth 26.4%, carrots 5%, spinach 1%, pomegranate seeds 1% (dried and finely ground), mineral substances 1%, milk thistle oil 0.5%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin). Analytical components: protein 10.8%, fat content 7.3%, crude ash 2.2%, crude fiber 0.6%, moisture 75%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.19%, phosphorus 0.15%. Dietary additives: vitamins.

    €20,27 - €54,24

  • GranataPet Chicken & Parsnips - grain-free wet dog food, chicken with parsnips GranataPet Chicken & Parsnips - grain-free wet dog food, chicken with parsnips

    Granatapet GranataPet Chicken & Parsnips - grain-free wet dog food, chicken with parsnips

    Wet food for dogs, GranataPet Chicken & Parsnips, made with chicken, parsnips, basil, elderberry, and flaxseed oil, is produced from the highest quality ingredients. It uses only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (e.g., borage, flaxseed, evening primrose), and green-lipped mussel. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with complete traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. The raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo full veterinary control, and are tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet food is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny coat, strong heart and muscles, proper digestion and bowel function, strong bones and flexible joints. Wet food is also a way to hydrate your dog. Proper hydration is essential for their health. Due to the high moisture content of wet food, dogs do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for dogs prone to urinary stones. By giving GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure you are providing them with a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. GranataPet Liebling's Mahlzeit Chicken & Parsnips: a complete meal for adult dogs contains 65% muscle meat and offal from chicken. Poultry provides a large amount of valuable and easily digestible protein, essential for the proper functioning of dogs. It is characterized by low fat content and high nutritional value. It is a source of B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Pomegranate seeds contain a range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Flaxseed oil is a source of unsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, improving skin and coat condition and benefiting joints. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. The included parsnip is a source of dietary fiber, supporting proper bowel function. Basil aids digestion, has a calming effect, and relaxes smooth muscles, supporting the nervous system. Elderberry fruits have strong anti-aging, anti-cancer, and detoxifying effects, boosting the body's immunity. It contains no grains, slaughterhouse by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Monitor your dog and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed the dog in two portions per day. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If the dog has not eaten it all before the next meal, discard the leftovers, thoroughly rinse the bowl, and then add fresh food. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as dogs do not tolerate cold or cool food well. Nutritional recommendations: Dog weight | Daily food portion | Normal activity | Low activity 5-10 kg | 320-540 g | 280-470 g 10-20 kg | 540-905 g | 470-785 g 20-30 kg | 905-1230 g | 785-1060 g 30-40 kg | 1230-1525 g | 1060-1315 g 40-50 kg | 1525-1800 g | 1315-1555 g Ingredients: chicken meat 65% (consisting of muscle meat, heart, liver, stomach), chicken broth 26.3%, parsnip 5%, elderberry fruits 1%, pomegranate seeds 1% (dried and finely ground), minerals 1%, flaxseed oil 0.5%, basil 0.1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin). Analytical components: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2%, crude fiber 0.6%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.18%, phosphorus 0.14%. Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese (II) sulfate, monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper (II) sulfate, pentahydrate) 1 mg.

    €5,22 - €54,24

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen & Seafood - grain-free wet cat food, salmon and seafood GranataPet DeliCatessen & Seafood - grain-free wet cat food, salmon and seafood

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen & Seafood - grain-free wet cat food, salmon and seafood

    Wet food for cats, GranataPet DeliCatessen Salmon & Seafood, made from the highest quality ingredients. It is produced using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control, and tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny fur, strong heart and muscles, proper digestion and gut function, strong bones and flexible joints. Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. The proper level of water in the body is essential for its health. With the high moisture content of wet food, the cat does not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stones. By feeding GranataPet to your pet, you can be sure you are providing a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Wet food for cats Salmon & Seafood GranataPet: a complete meal for adult cats containing 72% salmon, seafood, and chicken. Salmon provides protein and unsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and appearance of the skin and coat. Seafood is rich in easily digestible protein and low in calories. It provides a good amount of unsaturated fatty acids, is rich in calcium, iodine, selenium, and zinc. Chicken provides a large amount of valuable and easily digestible protein, necessary for the proper functioning of the cat. It is characterized by low fat content and high nutritional value. It is a source of B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Pomegranate seeds contain a range of health-promoting ingredients. They are high in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Salmon oil provides unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6, essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the beautiful appearance of the skin and coat. Taurine is a substance that the cat's body cannot produce in sufficient quantities, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. Green-lipped mussel supports joint function, reduces their susceptibility to wear, and conditions the skin and coat of the pet. The food is rich in vitamins and minerals, contains no grains, meat by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table are approximate. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Do not leave wet food open for more than a few hours. If the cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, discard the leftovers, thoroughly wash the bowl, and then place fresh food in it. Open packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in a sealed container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat weight Daily portion of food Sterilized/indoor cats Active/outdoor cats 2-3kg 105-140g 170-225g 4-5kg 175-200g 270-315g 6-7kg 225-250g 355-390g 8-10kg 275-320g 430-500g Ingredients: salmon, seafood, and chicken meat 72% (salmon 25%, seafood 25%, chicken consisting of muscle meat, hearts, liver), salmon, seafood, and chicken broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1%) Analytical constituents: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.5%, crude ash 2.4%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium ratio.

    €13,30 - €50,38

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen & Seafood - grain-free wet cat food, salmon and seafood GranataPet DeliCatessen & Seafood - grain-free wet cat food, salmon and seafood

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen & Seafood - grain-free wet cat food, salmon and seafood

    Wet food for cats, GranataPet DeliCatessen Salmon & Seafood, made from the highest quality ingredients. It is produced using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and flavor of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control, and tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny fur, strong heart and muscles, proper digestion and intestinal function, strong bones and flexible joints. Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. Proper hydration is essential for their health. With the high moisture content of wet food, cats do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stones. By providing GranataPet food to your pet, you ensure they receive a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Wet food for cats, duck with poultry, GranataPet Salmon & Seafood: a complete meal for adult cats containing 72% salmon, seafood, and chicken. Salmon provides protein and essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and appearance of the skin and coat. Seafood is rich in easily digestible protein and low in calories. It supplies a significant amount of unsaturated fatty acids, calcium, iodine, selenium, and zinc. Chicken provides a large amount of valuable and easily digestible protein essential for proper dog functioning. It is low in fat and high in nutritional value. It is a source of B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are high in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds positively impact the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Salmon oil provides unsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the beautiful appearance of the skin and coat. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient amounts, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. Green-lipped mussel supports joint function, reduces their susceptibility to wear, and conditions the skin and coat. The food is rich in vitamins and minerals and contains no grains, meat by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is approximate. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Do not leave wet food open for more than a few hours. If your cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, discard the leftovers, thoroughly wash the bowl, and only then put fresh food in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat weight | Daily portion of food Sterilized/indoor cats | Active/outdoor cats 2-3kg | 105-140g | 170-225g 4-5kg | 175-200g | 270-315g 6-7kg | 225-250g | 355-390g 8-10kg | 275-320g | 430-500g Ingredients: salmon, seafood, and chicken meat 72% (salmon 25%, seafood 25%, chicken consisting of muscle meat, hearts, liver), salmon, seafood, and chicken broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical constituents: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.5%, crude ash 2.4%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium ratio.

    €18,82 - €36,24

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen & Seafood - grain-free wet food with salmon and seafood, pouches for cats

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen & Seafood - grain-free wet food with salmon and seafood, pouches for cats

    Out of stock

    Wet food for cats, GranataPet DeliCatessen Salmon & Seafood, made from the highest quality ingredients. It is produced using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany, ensuring full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subjected to full veterinary control, and tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: - Healthy skin and shiny fur - Strong heart and muscles - Proper digestion and intestinal function - Strong bones and flexible joints Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. The right level of water in the body is essential for its health. Due to the high moisture content of wet food, cats do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stone formation. By providing GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure that you are offering a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. GranataPet Salmon & Seafood wet food: a complete meal for adult cats containing 72% salmon, seafood, and chicken. Salmon provides protein and unsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and appearance of the skin and coat. Seafood is rich in easily digestible protein and low in calories. It supplies a significant amount of unsaturated fatty acids, calcium, iodine, selenium, and zinc. Chicken provides a large amount of valuable and easily digestible protein necessary for the proper functioning of cats. It is low in fat and high in nutritional value, serving as a source of B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Pomegranate seeds contain a range of health-promoting ingredients. They are high in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds positively influence the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Salmon oil provides unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6, essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the beautiful appearance of the skin and coat. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient quantities, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. A deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. Green-lipped mussel supports joint function, reduces their susceptibility to wear, and conditions the skin and coat of the pet. Rich in vitamins and minerals, the food contains no grains, slaughterhouse by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table are approximate. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Do not leave wet food open for more than a few hours. If the cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, the leftovers should be discarded, the bowl thoroughly rinsed, and only then should fresh food be placed in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat weight | Daily food portion Sterilized/indoor cats | Active/outdoor cats 2-3kg | 105-140g | 170-225g 4-5kg | 175-200g | 270-315g 6-7kg | 225-250g | 355-390g 8-10kg | 275-320g | 430-500g Ingredients: salmon, seafood, and chicken meat 72% (salmon 25%, seafood 25%, chicken consisting of muscle meat, heart, liver), salmon, seafood, and chicken broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1%. Analytical constituents: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.5%, crude ash 2.4%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium ratio.

    Out of stock

    €11,59 - €37,69

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen & Turkey - grain-free wet food for cats, salmon and turkey GranataPet DeliCatessen & Turkey - grain-free wet food for cats, salmon and turkey

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen & Turkey - grain-free wet food for cats, salmon and turkey

    Wet food for cats, GranataPet DeliCatessen Salmon & Turkey, made from the highest quality ingredients. It is produced using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and flavor of the meal. The food is produced in Germany, ensuring full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subjected to full veterinary control, and tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: healthy skin and a shiny coat, a strong heart and muscles, proper digestion and intestinal function, strong bones and flexible joints. Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. Maintaining the right water level in the body is essential for its health. Due to the high moisture content of wet food, cats do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stone formation. By providing GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure that you are offering a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. GranataPet Salmon & Turkey wet food: a complete meal for adult cats containing 72% salmon and turkey. Salmon provides protein and essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and appearance of the skin and coat. Turkey is exceptionally easy to digest and contains high-quality protein, vitamins B12 and B6. It also contains significant amounts of potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. Pomegranate seeds offer a range of health-promoting ingredients, including high levels of ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds positively affect the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Salmon oil provides unsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the beautiful appearance of the skin and coat. Taurine is a substance that the cat's body cannot produce in sufficient amounts, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. Green-lipped mussel supports joint function, reduces their susceptibility to wear, and conditions the skin and coat. Rich in vitamins and minerals, the food contains no grains, slaughterhouse by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is approximate. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food given as needed. Do not leave wet food open for more than a few hours. If the cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, discard the leftovers, thoroughly wash the bowl, and only then place fresh food in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat weight | Daily portion of food Sterilized/indoor cats | Active/outdoor cats 2-3kg | 105-140g | 170-225g 4-5kg | 175-200g | 270-315g 6-7kg | 225-250g | 355-390g 8-10kg | 275-320g | 430-500g Ingredients: salmon and turkey meat 72% (salmon 20%, turkey consisting of muscle meat, heart, liver), salmon and turkey broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical constituents: protein 10.3%, fat content 6.1%, crude ash 2.4%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.32%, phosphorus 0.27% Dietary additives: taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese (II) sulfate, monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper (II) sulfate, pentahydrate) 1 mg.

    €12,72 - €55,15

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen & Turkey - grain-free wet food for cats, salmon and turkey GranataPet DeliCatessen & Turkey - grain-free wet food for cats, salmon and turkey

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen & Turkey - grain-free wet food for cats, salmon and turkey

    Wet food for cats, GranataPet DeliCatessen Salmon & Turkey, made from the highest quality ingredients. It is produced using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, nor are any fillers or meat substitutes added. It is supplemented with valuable additions such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo complete veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: - Healthy skin and shiny fur - Strong heart and muscles - Proper digestion and intestinal function - Strong bones and flexible joints Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. Proper hydration is essential for their health. Thanks to the high moisture content of wet food, cats do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stones. By providing GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure that you are giving them a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. GranataPet Salmon & Turkey wet food for cats: a complete meal for adult cats containing 72% salmon and turkey. Salmon provides protein and essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and appearance of the skin and coat. Turkey is particularly easy to digest and contains high-quality protein, vitamins B12 and B6. It is rich in potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. Pomegranate seeds contain a range of health-promoting ingredients, including high levels of ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have beneficial effects on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Salmon oil provides unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6, essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the beautiful appearance of the skin and coat. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient quantities, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. A deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. Green-lipped mussel supports joint function, reduces their susceptibility to wear, and conditions the skin and coat. Rich in vitamins and minerals, the food contains no grains, meat by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is approximate. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If your cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, discard the leftovers, thoroughly wash the bowl, and then place fresh food in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in a sealed container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat weight | Daily portion of food - Sterilized/indoor cats | Active/outdoor cats 2-3kg: 105-140g | 170-225g 4-5kg: 175-200g | 270-315g 6-7kg: 225-250g | 355-390g 8-10kg: 275-320g | 430-500g Ingredients: Salmon and turkey meat 72% (salmon 20%, turkey consisting of muscle meat, heart, liver), salmon and turkey broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, mineral substances 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1%. Analytical constituents: Protein 10.3%, fat content 6.1%, crude ash 2.4%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.32%, phosphorus 0.27%. Dietary additives: Taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg.

    €18,82 - €36,24

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen & Turkey - grain-free wet food with salmon and turkey, pouches for cats

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen & Turkey - grain-free wet food with salmon and turkey, pouches for cats

    Wet food for cats, GranataPet DeliCatessen Salmon & Turkey, made from the highest quality ingredients. It is produced using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, nor are any fillers or meat substitutes added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control and tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: healthy skin and a shiny coat, strong heart and muscles, proper digestion and intestinal function, strong bones and flexible joints. Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. The proper level of water in the body is essential for its health. With the high moisture content of wet food, your cat does not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stone formation. By providing GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure that you are giving them a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Wet food for cats Salmon and Turkey GranataPet Salmon & Turkey: a complete meal for adult cats containing 72% salmon and turkey. Salmon provides protein and unsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the skin and coat. Turkey is exceptionally easy to digest and contains high-quality protein, vitamins B12 and B6. It contains significant amounts of potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protection agent. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Salmon oil provides unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6, essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the beautiful appearance of the skin and coat. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient amounts, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. Green-lipped mussel supports joint function, reduces their susceptibility to wear, and conditions the skin and coat of the pet. The food is rich in vitamins and minerals and contains no grains, meat by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food given as needed. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If the cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, dispose of the leftovers, thoroughly wash the bowl, and then place fresh food in it. Open packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat weight | Daily food portion Sterilized/indoor cats | Active/outdoor cats 2-3 kg | 105-140 g | 170-225 g 4-5 kg | 175-200 g | 270-315 g 6-7 kg | 225-250 g | 355-390 g 8-10 kg | 275-320 g | 430-500 g Ingredients: Salmon and turkey meat 72% (salmon 20%, turkey consisting of muscle meat, heart, liver), salmon and turkey broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1%. Analytical components: protein 10.3%, fat content 6.1%, raw ash 2.4%, raw fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.32%, phosphorus 0.27%. Dietary additives: taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg.

    €10,45 - €37,69

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Chicken Pur - grain-free wet food for cats, chicken GranataPet DeliCatessen Chicken Pur - grain-free wet food for cats, chicken

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Chicken Pur - grain-free wet food for cats, chicken

    Wet food for cats, GranataPet DeliCatessen Chicken PUR with chicken, produced from the highest quality ingredients. It is made using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is supplemented with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussels, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: - Healthy skin and shiny fur - Strong heart and muscles - Proper digestion and gut function - Strong bones and flexible joints Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. The right level of water in the body is essential for its health. Thanks to the high moisture content of wet food, the cat does not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stone formation. By providing GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure that you are giving them a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. GranataPet Chicken PUR wet food for cats: is a complete meal for adult cats containing 72% muscle meat and offal from chicken. Poultry meat is mainly sourced from muscles, making it a source of easily digestible and well-absorbed proteins. Pomegranate seeds contain a range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have beneficial effects on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Flaxseed oil provides a dose of unsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, improving skin and coat condition and positively affecting joints. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient amounts, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. The food contains no grains, slaughterhouse by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If the cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, the leftovers should be discarded, the bowl thoroughly rinsed, and then fresh food added. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in a sealed container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat weight | Daily portion of food Sterilized/indoor cats | Active/outdoor cats 2kg | 105g | 170g 3kg | 140g | 225g 4kg | 175g | 270g 5kg | 200g | 315g 6kg | 225g | 355g 7kg | 250g | 390g 8kg | 275g | 430g 10kg | 320g | 500g Ingredients: chicken meat 72% (consisting of muscle meat, heart, stomach, liver), chicken broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical constituents: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.3%, crude ash 2.2%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium 0.28%, phosphorus 0.25% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg

    €11,61 - €60,95

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Chicken Pur - grain-free wet food with chicken, pouches for cats GranataPet DeliCatessen Chicken Pur - grain-free wet food with chicken, pouches for cats

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Chicken Pur - grain-free wet food with chicken, pouches for cats

    Wet food for cats, GranataPet DeliCatessen Chicken PUR with chicken, made from the highest quality ingredients. It is produced using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, nor are any fillers or meat substitutes added. It is supplemented with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny fur, strong heart and muscles, proper digestion and intestinal function, strong bones and flexible joints. Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. Proper water levels in the body are essential for its health. Thanks to the high moisture content of wet food, cats do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stone formation. By providing GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure you are giving them a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Wet food for cats with chicken GranataPet Chicken PUR: is a complete meal for adult cats containing 72% muscle meat and offal from chicken. Poultry meat is mainly sourced from muscles, making it a source of easily digestible and well-absorbed proteins. Pomegranate seeds contain a range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Flaxseed oil provides a dose of unsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, improving skin and fur condition and positively affecting joints. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient amounts, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. The food contains no grains, slaughterhouse by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table are indicative. Monitor your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If the cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, discard the leftovers, thoroughly wash the bowl, and then place fresh food in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat weight | Daily food portion Sterilized/indoor cats | Active/outdoor cats 2kg | 105g | 170g 3kg | 140g | 225g 4kg | 175g | 270g 5kg | 200g | 315g 6kg | 225g | 355g 7kg | 250g | 390g 8kg | 275g | 430g 10kg | 320g | 500g Ingredients: chicken meat 72% (consisting of muscle meat, heart, stomach, liver), chicken broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical constituents: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.3%, crude ash 2.2%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium 0.28%, phosphorus 0.25% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese (II) sulfate, monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper (II) sulfate, pentahydrate) 1 mg

    €10,45 - €37,69

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Coney & Lamb - grain-free cat food, rabbit and lamb GranataPet DeliCatessen Coney & Lamb - grain-free cat food, rabbit and lamb

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Coney & Lamb - grain-free cat food, rabbit and lamb

    Dry cat food, GranataPet DeliCatessen Coney & Lamb with rabbit and lamb, made from the finest ingredients. It is produced using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, nor are any fillers or meat substitutes added. It is supplemented with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control, and are tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen food is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny fur, strong heart and muscles, proper digestion and intestinal function, strong bones and flexible joints, energy for all-day activity, a healthy urinary system, and high immunity. Dry food with rabbit and lamb GranataPet DeliCatessen Coney & Lamb: a complete meal for adult cats, rabbit is a balanced source of energy and valuable protein, and its taste is well accepted by animals. It contains up to three times more iron than poultry. Lamb is tender and easily digestible, providing valuable protein and rarely causing food intolerances or allergies. Pomegranate seeds contain a range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the cat's musculoskeletal system. Salmon oil supplies unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA and EPA, necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the skin and coat of your pet. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient amounts, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. Feeding instructions: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed the cat in two portions per day. Ensure your cat has constant access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES Cat weight | Daily portion of food Sterilized/indoor cats | Active/outdoor cats 2-3 kg | 30-35 g | 45-60 g 4-5 kg | 45-50 g | 70-80 g 6-8 kg | 60-65 g | 90-100 g 9-12 kg | 70-80 g | 110-125 g Tip: To maintain the freshness of GranataPet dry cat food, the 9 kg package is divided. The box contains 3 bags weighing 3 kg each. This ensures that your cat always enjoys a deliciously fragrant, fresh meal. Additionally, the box can be reused to create a cat house. Ingredients: rabbit, lamb, and poultry meat 42% (rabbit 16%, lamb 16%, poultry 10% dried and finely ground), potato flakes (macerated), poultry fat, pomegranate seeds 3%, powdered cellulose, salmon oil 2%, minerals, catnip leaves (finely ground), FOS (fructooligosaccharides), New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin), yucca schidigera. Analytical constituents: protein 28%, fat content 16%, crude fiber 3%, crude ash 8%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 1.75%, phosphorus 1.1%. Dietary additives: vitamin A 15,000 IU, vitamin D3 1,050 IU, vitamin E 160 mg, L-carnitine 250 mg, taurine 800 mg, copper (copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate) 2.7 mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 85 mg, manganese (manganese(II) oxide) 10 mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 0.95 mg.

    €23,23 - €66,76

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck & Poultry - grain-free wet food for cats, duck and poultry GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck & Poultry - grain-free wet food for cats, duck and poultry

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck & Poultry - grain-free wet food for cats, duck and poultry

    Wet food for cats, GranataPet DeliCatessen, Duck & Poultry, is produced from the highest quality ingredients. It is made using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, gizzards). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is supplemented with valuable additions such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and flavor of the meal. The food is produced in Germany, ensuring full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted suppliers, undergo full veterinary control, and are tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: - Healthy skin and shiny fur - Strong heart and muscles - Proper digestion and intestinal function - Strong bones and flexible joints Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. Proper hydration is essential for their health. Thanks to the high moisture content of wet food, cats do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stone formation. By providing GranataPet food to your pet, you ensure they receive a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. GranataPet Duck & Poultry wet food: is a complete meal for adult cats containing 72% muscle meat and offal from duck and poultry. Duck is characterized by a relatively high fat content and contains a significant amount of magnesium and vitamin B1 (thiamine). Poultry meat is easily digestible and low-calorie, rich in vitamin B6, biotin, niacin, and pantothenic acid. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are high in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds positively affect the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Salmon oil provides the body with unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6, essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the beautiful appearance of the skin and fur of your pet. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient amounts, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. The food contains no grains, slaughterhouse by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is approximate. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If the cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, dispose of the leftovers, thoroughly rinse the bowl, and only then place fresh food in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. Nutritional recommendations: Cat weight | Daily portion of food Sterilized/indoor cats | Active/outdoor cats 2-3kg | 105-140g | 170-225g 4-5kg | 175-200g | 270-315g 6-7kg | 225-250g | 355-390g 8-10kg | 275-320g | 430-500g Ingredients: Duck meat and poultry meat 72% (duck 36% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, gizzards, and poultry 36% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, gizzards, liver), duck and poultry broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1%. Analytical components: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2.4%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.32%, phosphorus 0.28%. Dietary additives: zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese (II) sulfate, monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper (II) sulfate, pentahydrate) 1 mg.

    €18,82 - €60,95

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck & Poultry - grain-free wet food for cats, duck and poultry GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck & Poultry - grain-free wet food for cats, duck and poultry

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck & Poultry - grain-free wet food for cats, duck and poultry

    Wet food for cats, GranataPet DeliCatessen, Duck & Poultry, made from the highest quality ingredients. It is produced using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is supplemented with valuable additions such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to preserve as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny fur, a strong heart and muscles, proper digestion and intestinal function, strong bones and flexible joints. Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. The right level of water in the body is essential for its health. Due to the high moisture content of wet food, cats do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stone formation. By providing GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure that you are offering a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. GranataPet Duck & Poultry wet food for cats: a complete meal for adult cats containing 72% muscle meat and offal from duck and poultry. Duck has a relatively high fat content and contains a significant amount of magnesium and vitamin B1 (thiamine). Poultry meat is easily digestible and low in calories, rich in vitamin B6, biotin, niacin, and pantothenic acid. Pomegranate seeds contain a range of health-promoting ingredients. They are high in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Salmon oil provides the body with unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6, essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the beautiful appearance of the skin and coat of your pet. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient amounts, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. The food contains no grains, slaughterhouse by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is approximate. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Do not leave wet food open for more than a few hours. If the cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, any leftovers should be discarded, the bowl should be thoroughly rinsed, and only then should fresh food be placed in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat weight | Daily food portion Sterilized/indoor cats | Active/outdoor cats 2-3kg | 105-140g | 170-225g 4-5kg | 175-200g | 270-315g 6-7kg | 225-250g | 355-390g 8-10kg | 275-320g | 430-500g Composition: duck meat and poultry meat 72% (duck 36% consisting of muscle meat, heart, stomach, and poultry 36% consisting of muscle meat, heart, stomach, liver), duck and poultry broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, mineral substances 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1%. Analytical components: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.2%, raw ash 2.4%, raw fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.32%, phosphorus 0.28%. Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese (II) sulfate, monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper (II) sulfate, pentahydrate) 1 mg.

    €13,30 - €24,62

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck & Poultry - grain-free wet food with duck and poultry, pouches for cats GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck & Poultry - grain-free wet food with duck and poultry, pouches for cats

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck & Poultry - grain-free wet food with duck and poultry, pouches for cats

    Wet food for cats, GranataPet DeliCatessen, Duck & Poultry, made from the highest quality ingredients. It is produced using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and flavor of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny fur, a strong heart and muscles, proper digestion and intestinal function, strong bones and flexible joints. Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. The right level of water in the body is essential for its health. Due to the high moisture content of wet food, cats do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stone formation. By providing GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure you are offering a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced diet every day. Wet food for cats Duck & Poultry GranataPet: a complete meal for adult cats containing 72% muscle meat and offal from duck and poultry. Duck is characterized by a relatively high fat content and contains a significant amount of magnesium and vitamin B1 (thiamine). Poultry meat is easily digestible and low in calories, rich in vitamin B6, biotin, niacin, and pantothenic acid. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are high in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have beneficial effects on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Salmon oil provides the body with unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6, essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the beautiful appearance of the skin and coat of your pet. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient amounts, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. The food contains no grains, slaughterhouse by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is for reference only. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If the cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, any leftovers should be discarded, the bowl thoroughly rinsed, and then fresh food placed in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat weight | Daily portion of food Sterilized/indoor cats | Active/outdoor cats 2-3kg | 105-140g | 170-225g 4-5kg | 175-200g | 270-315g 6-7kg | 225-250g | 355-390g 8-10kg | 275-320g | 430-500g Ingredients: Duck meat and poultry meat 72% (duck 36% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, stomachs, and poultry 36% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, stomachs, liver), duck and poultry broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1%. Analytical components: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2.4%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.32%, phosphorus 0.28%. Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg.

    €10,45 - €37,40

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck - grain-free cat food with duck GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck - grain-free cat food with duck

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck - grain-free cat food with duck

    Dry cat food, GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck with duck, made from the finest ingredients. It is produced using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen food is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny fur, strong heart and muscles, proper digestion and intestinal function, strong bones and flexible joints, energy for all-day activity, healthy urinary system, high immunity. Dry food with duck GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck: a complete meal for adult cats. Duck is characterized by a relatively high fat content, contains a significant amount of magnesium and vitamin B1 (thiamine). Pomegranate seeds contain a range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have beneficial effects on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the cat's musculoskeletal system. Salmon oil supplies unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA and EPA, necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the skin and coat. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient amounts, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. Catnip: its presence in the food encourages the cat to show interest in the meal. It is also a source of nutrients. It contains no grains, meat by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is approximate. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed the cat in two portions daily. Ensure the cat has constant access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat weight | Daily food portion Sterilized/indoor cats | Active/outdoor cats 2-3kg | 30-35g | 45-60g 4-5kg | 45-50g | 70-80g 6-8kg | 60-65g | 90-100g 9-12kg | 70-80g | 110-125g Tip: To maintain the freshness of GranataPet dry cat food, the 9kg package is divided. The box contains 3 bags weighing 3kg each. This ensures that your cat always enjoys a deliciously fragrant, non-stale meal. Additionally, the box containing the food can be used to create a cat house. Ingredients: duck and poultry meat 44% (duck 30%, poultry 14% dried and finely ground), potato flakes (macerated), poultry fat, pomegranate seeds 3%, powdered cellulose, salmon oil 2%, minerals, catnip leaves (finely ground), FOS (fructooligosaccharides), New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin), yucca schidigera. Analytical constituents: protein 33%, fat content 19%, crude fiber 3%, crude ash 6.8%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 1.5%, phosphorus 1.2%. Dietary additives: vitamin A 20000 IU, vitamin D3 1000 IU, vitamin E 120 mg, L-carnitine 500 mg, taurine 2000 mg, copper (copper(II) sulfate, pentahydrate) 4.5 mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 60 mg, iodine (calcium iodate, anhydrous) 1.6 mg, manganese (manganese(II) oxide) 6 mg.

    €5,81 - €130,65

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Fish-Free Cat Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 6 Flavors, Set of 2 GranataPet DeliCatessen Fish-Free Cat Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 6 Flavors, Set of 2

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Fish-Free Cat Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 6 Flavors, Set of 2

    GranataPet DeliCatessen food set includes: 4x GranataPet DeliCatessen Pheasant & Coney - 200g 4x GranataPet DeliCatessen Venison Pur - 200g 4x GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck & Poultry - 200g 4x GranataPet DeliCatessen Lamb & Turkey - 200g 4x GranataPet DeliCatessen Veal & Coney - 200g 4x GranataPet DeliCatessen Turkey & Pheasant - 200g Wet cat food, GranataPet DeliCatessen, is produced from the highest quality ingredients. It is made using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is supplemented with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and flavor of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control, and are tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: - healthy skin and shiny fur - strong heart and muscles - proper digestion and gut function - strong bones and flexible joints Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. Proper hydration is essential for their health. Thanks to the high moisture content of wet food, cats do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stone formation. By providing GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure that you are giving them a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If the cat has not finished it before the next meal, dispose of the leftovers, thoroughly wash the bowl, and then place fresh food in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in a sealed container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat Weight | Daily Food Portion Sterilized/Indoor Cats | Active/Outdoor Cats 2-3kg | 105-140g | 170-225g 4-5kg | 175-200g | 270-315g 6-7kg | 225-250g | 355-390g 8-10kg | 275-320g | 430-500g Ingredients for GranataPet DeliCatessen Pheasant & Coney: pheasant meat, rabbit, and chicken 72% (pheasant 20% consisting of muscle meat, heart; rabbit 12% consisting of muscle meat, heart, liver; chicken 40% consisting of muscle meat, heart, stomach, liver), pheasant, rabbit, and chicken broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, flaxseed oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1%. Analytical components: protein 10.8%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2.5%, crude fiber 0.3%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.33%, phosphorus 0.25%. Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg. Ingredients for GranataPet DeliCatessen Venison Pur: venison meat 72% (consisting of muscle meat, heart, lungs, liver), venison broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, flaxseed oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1%. Analytical components: protein 10.4%, fat content 6.8%, crude ash 2.3%, crude fiber 0.4%, moisture content 78%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.4%, phosphorus 0.3%. Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg. Ingredients for GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck & Poultry: duck and poultry meat 72% (duck 36% consisting of muscle meat, heart, stomach; poultry 36% consisting of muscle meat, heart, stomach, liver), duck and poultry broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1%. Analytical components: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2.4%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%.

    €13,59 - €49,34

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 3 Flavors, Set of 2 GranataPet DeliCatessen Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 3 Flavors, Set of 2

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 3 Flavors, Set of 2

    The GranataPet DeliCatessen food set includes: 4x GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck & Poultry - 400g 4x GranataPet DeliCatessen Veal & Coney - 400g 4x GranataPet DeliCatessen Venison Pur - 400g GranataPet DeliCatessen wet food for cats is produced from the highest quality ingredients. It is made using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and flavor of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo full veterinary control, and are tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: - healthy skin and shiny coat - strong heart and muscles - proper digestion and intestinal function - strong bones and flexible joints Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. Proper hydration is essential for your cat's health. Thanks to the high moisture content of wet food, your cat does not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stone formation. By providing GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure you are giving them a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food given as needed. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If your cat has not finished it before the next meal, discard the leftovers, thoroughly rinse the bowl, and only then place fresh food in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat Weight | Daily Portion of Food Sterilized/Indoor Cats | Active/Outdoor Cats 2-3kg | 105-140g | 170-225g 4-5kg | 175-200g | 270-315g 6-7kg | 225-250g | 355-390g 8-10kg | 275-320g | 430-500g Composition of GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck & Poultry: Duck meat and poultry meat 72% (duck 36% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, stomachs, and poultry 36% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, stomachs, liver), duck and poultry broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, mineral substances 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical components: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2.4%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.32%, phosphorus 0.28% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg. Composition of GranataPet DeliCatessen Veal & Coney: Veal meat and rabbit meat 72% (veal 36% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, lungs, liver, and rabbit 36% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, liver), veal and rabbit broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, mineral nutrients 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical components: protein 10.7%, fat content 7.2%, crude ash 2.1%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture content 77%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.3%, phosphorus 0.27% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg. Composition of GranataPet DeliCatessen Venison Pur: Venison meat 72% (consisting of muscle meat, hearts, lungs, liver), venison broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, flaxseed oil 1%, mineral substances 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical components: protein 10.4%, fat content 6.8%, crude ash 2.3%, crude fiber 0.4%, moisture content 78%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.4%, phosphorus 0.3% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg.


  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 6 Flavors, Set 1 GranataPet DeliCatessen Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 6 Flavors, Set 1

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 6 Flavors, Set 1

    GranataPet DeliCatessen Food Set includes: 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Venison & Tuna - 200g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Salmon & Turkey - 200g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck & Poultry - 200g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Lamb & Turkey - 200g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Salmon & Seafood - 200g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Veal & Coney - 200g GranataPet DeliCatessen wet cat food is made from the highest quality ingredients. Only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs) are used in its production. No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are included, nor are any fillers or meat substitutes added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergoing complete veterinary control and testing by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: - Healthy skin and shiny coat - Strong heart and muscles - Proper digestion and intestinal function - Strong bones and flexible joints Wet food is also a way to keep your cat hydrated. The right level of water in the body is essential for its health. Thanks to the high moisture content of wet food, cats do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stone formation. By providing GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure that you are giving them a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food given as needed. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If your cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, discard the leftovers, thoroughly rinse the bowl, and only then place fresh food in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat Weight | Daily Food Portion Sterilized/Indoor Cats | Active/Outdoor Cats 2-3kg | 105-140g | 170-225g 4-5kg | 175-200g | 270-315g 6-7kg | 225-250g | 355-390g 8-10kg | 275-320g | 430-500g Ingredients for GranataPet DeliCatessen Venison & Tuna: Venison, tuna, and chicken meat 72% (venison 22% consisting of muscle meat, heart, lungs, liver; tuna 20% and chicken 30% consisting of muscle meat, heart, stomach, liver), game, tuna, and chicken broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, flaxseed oil 1%, mineral nutrients 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical constituents: protein 10.6%, fat content 5.8%, crude ash 2.6%, crude fiber 0.4%, moisture 78%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.33%, phosphorus 0.28% Dietary additives: taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese (II) sulfate, monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper (II) sulfate, pentahydrate) 1 mg Ingredients for GranataPet DeliCatessen Salmon & Turkey: Salmon and turkey meat 72% (salmon 20%, turkey consisting of muscle meat, heart, liver), salmon and turkey broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, mineral ingredients 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical constituents: protein 10.3%, fat content 6.1%, crude ash 2.4%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.32%, phosphorus 0.27% Dietary additives: taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese (II) sulfate, monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper (II) sulfate, pentahydrate) 1 mg Ingredients for GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck & Poultry: Duck meat and poultry meat 72% (duck 36% consisting of muscle meat, heart, stomach; poultry 36% consisting of muscle meat, heart, stomach, liver), duck and poultry broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, mineral ingredients 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical constituents: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2.4%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.32%

    €13,07 - €49,34

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Food for Cats, Mix of 5 Flavors GranataPet DeliCatessen Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Food for Cats, Mix of 5 Flavors

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Food for Cats, Mix of 5 Flavors

    GranataPet DeliCatessen food set includes: 1x GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck & Poultry - 400g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Tuna & Duck - 400g 1x GranataPet DeliCatessen Veal & Coney - 400g 1x GranataPet DeliCatessen Venison Pur - 400g 1x GranataPet DeliCatessen Venison & Tuna - 400g GranataPet DeliCatessen wet cat food is produced from the highest quality ingredients. It is made using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and flavor of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control, and are tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: - Healthy skin and shiny fur - Strong heart and muscles - Proper digestion and intestinal function - Strong bones and flexible joints Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. Maintaining the right level of water in the body is essential for its health. Due to the high moisture content of wet food, cats do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stones. By giving GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure that you are providing a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food given as needed. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If your cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, discard the leftovers, thoroughly rinse the bowl, and then place fresh food in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in a sealed container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat weight | Daily portion of food Sterilized/indoor cats | Active/outdoor cats 2-3kg | 105-140g | 170-225g 4-5kg | 175-200g | 270-315g 6-7kg | 225-250g | 355-390g 8-10kg | 275-320g | 430-500g Composition of GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck & Poultry: Duck meat and poultry meat 72% (duck 36% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, stomachs, and poultry 36% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, stomachs, liver), duck and poultry broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, mineral substances 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1%. Analytical constituents: Protein 10.2%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2.4%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.32%, phosphorus 0.28%. Dietary additives: Vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg. Composition of GranataPet DeliCatessen Tuna & Duck: Tuna and duck meat 72% (tuna 20% and duck 52% consisting of meat, hearts, stomachs), tuna and duck broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, mineral substances 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1%. Analytical constituents: Protein 10.3%, fat content 5.5%, crude ash 2.2%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.3%, phosphorus 0.27%. Dietary additives: Taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg. Composition of GranataPet DeliCatessen Veal & Coney: Veal and rabbit meat 72% (veal 36% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, lungs, liver, and rabbit 36% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, liver), veal and rabbit broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, mineral nutrients 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1%. Analytical constituents: Protein 10.7%, fat content 7.2%, crude ash 2.1%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture content 77%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.3%, phosphorus 0.27%. Dietary additives: Vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg.

    €20,33 - €36,24

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Kitten/Junior Poultry - grain-free food for kittens, with poultry GranataPet DeliCatessen Kitten/Junior Poultry - grain-free food for kittens, with poultry

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Kitten/Junior Poultry - grain-free food for kittens, with poultry

    Dry food for kittens and young cats, GranataPet DeliCatessen Poultry, produced from the finest ingredients. It is made using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergoing complete veterinary control and testing by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen for kittens is a recipe for: proper development and growth of the cat, healthy skin and shiny coat, strong heart and muscles, proper digestion and intestinal function, strong bones and flexible joints, energy for all-day activity, healthy urinary system, and high immunity. GranataPet DeliCatessen Poultry dry food: a complete meal for kittens and young cats. Poultry meat provides a large amount of valuable and easily digestible protein, essential for the proper functioning of the cat. It is characterized by low fat content and high nutritional value. It is very well absorbed and gentle on the developing digestive system of your pet. It is a source of B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the cat's musculoskeletal system. Salmon oil supplies unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA and EPA, necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the skin and coat of your pet. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient amounts, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. Catnip: its presence in the food encourages the cat to take an interest in the meal. It is also a source of nutrients. The food contains no grains, slaughterhouse waste, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs, and comes in heart-shaped pellets. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed the cat in two portions per day. Ensure your cat has constant access to fresh water. Nutritional recommendations: Current weight of the cat Daily portion of food up to 4 months 4-9 months 9-12 months 0.5-1kg 35-60g - - 1.5-2kg 70-85g 65-90g 50-70g 3-4kg 90-120g 100-120g 80-95g 4.5-5kg - 130-140g 105-115g Tip: To maintain the freshness of GranataPet dry food, the 9kg package is divided. The carton contains 3 bags weighing 3kg each. This ensures that your cat always enjoys a deliciously fragrant, fresh meal. Additionally, the carton can be repurposed to create a cat house. Ingredients: Poultry meat 44% (dried and finely ground), potato flakes (digested), poultry fat 11%, pomegranate seeds 3%, salmon oil 2%, minerals, powdered cellulose, catnip leaves (finely ground), FOS (fructooligosaccharides), New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin), Yucca schidigera. Analytical components: protein 33%, fat content 19%, crude fiber 3%, crude ash 6.5%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 1.3%, phosphorus 1.1%. Dietary additives: vitamin A 20000 IU, vitamin D3 1000 IU, vitamin E 120 mg, L-carnitine 500 mg, taurine 2000 mg, copper (copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate) 4.5 mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 60 mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 1.6 mg, manganese (manganese(II) oxide) 6 mg.

    €5,81 - €130,65

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Kitten/Junior Poultry - grain-free wet food for kittens, with poultry GranataPet DeliCatessen Kitten/Junior Poultry - grain-free wet food for kittens, with poultry

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Kitten/Junior Poultry - grain-free wet food for kittens, with poultry

    Dry food for kittens and young cats, GranataPet DeliCatessen Kitten/Junior Poultry, made from the finest ingredients. It is produced using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is supplemented with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to complete veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food has been developed to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen Kitten/Junior Poultry for kittens is a recipe for: - proper development and growth of the cat - healthy skin and shiny coat - strong heart and muscles - proper digestion and intestinal function - strong bones and flexible joints - energy for action throughout the day - healthy urinary system - high immunity GranataPet Kitten/Junior DeliCatessen Poultry dry food: a complete meal for kittens and young cats. Poultry meat provides a large amount of valuable and easily digestible protein, essential for the proper functioning of the cat. It is characterized by low fat content and high nutritional value. It is very well absorbed and gentle on the developing digestive system of your pet. It is a source of B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the cat's musculoskeletal system. Salmon oil provides unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA and EPA, necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the skin and coat of your pet. Taurine is a substance that the cat's body cannot produce in sufficient amounts, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. Ingredients: poultry meat 72% (consisting of muscle meat, heart, stomach, liver), poultry broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, minerals 1%, New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1%. Analytical constituents: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2.2%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%. Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (zinc oxide monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (manganese(II) oxide monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate) 1 mg.

    €13,30 - €24,62

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Kitten/Junior Poultry - grain-free wet food with poultry, pouches for kittens GranataPet DeliCatessen Kitten/Junior Poultry - grain-free wet food with poultry, pouches for kittens

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Kitten/Junior Poultry - grain-free wet food with poultry, pouches for kittens

    Dry food for kittens and young cats, GranataPet DeliCatessen Kitten/Junior Poultry, produced from the best ingredients. It is made using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is supplemented with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control, and tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is designed to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen Kitten/Junior Poultry dry food for kittens is a recipe for: - proper development and growth of the cat - healthy skin and shiny coat - strong heart and muscles - proper digestion and intestinal function - strong bones and flexible joints - energy for action throughout the day - healthy urinary system - high immunity GranataPet Kitten/Junior DeliCatessen Poultry dry food: a complete meal for kittens and young cats. Poultry meat provides a large amount of valuable and easily digestible protein, essential for the proper functioning of the cat. It is characterized by low fat content and high nutritional value. It is very well absorbed and gentle on the developing digestive system of your pet. It is a source of B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the cat's musculoskeletal system. Salmon oil provides unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA and EPA, necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the skin and coat of your pet. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient amounts, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. It contains no grains, slaughter by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is approximate. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If the cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, discard the leftovers, thoroughly rinse the bowl, and only then place fresh food in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving refrigerated food, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Current weight of the cat / Daily portion of food: - up to 4 months: 0.5kg - 155g 0.75kg - 200g 1kg - 245g 1.5kg - 320g 2kg - 390g 2.5kg - 450g 3kg - 510g 3.5kg - 656g 4kg - 620g 4.5kg - 690g 5kg - 720g - 4-9 months: 1kg - 205g 1.5kg - 270g 2kg - 325g 2.5kg - 375g 3kg - 425g 3.5kg - 470g 4kg - 515g 4.5kg - 560g 5kg - 600g - 9-12 months: 1kg - 165g 1.5kg - 215g 2kg - 260g 2.5kg - 300g 3kg - 340g 3.5kg - 380g 4kg - 410g 4.5kg - 445g 5kg - 480g Composition: poultry meat 72% (consisting of muscle meat, heart, stomach, liver), poultry broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, minerals 1%, New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1%. Analytical components: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2.2%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%. Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (zinc oxide monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (manganese(II) oxide monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (anhydrous calcium iodate) 0.75 mg, copper (copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate) 1 mg.

    €10,45 - €37,69

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Lamb & Turkey - grain-free wet food for cats, lamb and turkey GranataPet DeliCatessen Lamb & Turkey - grain-free wet food for cats, lamb and turkey

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Lamb & Turkey - grain-free wet food for cats, lamb and turkey

    Wet food for cats, GranataPet DeliCatessen Lamb & Turkey, made from the highest quality ingredients. It is produced using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is supplemented with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny fur, strong heart and muscles, proper digestion and intestinal function, strong bones and flexible joints. Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. The proper level of water in the body is essential for its health. With the high moisture content of wet food, a cat does not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stone formation. By providing GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure that you are offering a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Wet food for cats, Duck with Poultry GranataPet Lamb & Turkey: a complete meal for adult cats containing 72% muscle meat and offal from lamb and turkey. Lamb is a good source of energy and valuable protein, considered very well tolerated and rarely causes food intolerances or allergies. Turkey is exceptionally easy to digest and contains high-quality protein, vitamins B12 and B6. It is rich in potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are high in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Salmon oil provides the body with unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6, essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the beautiful appearance of the skin and fur of your pet. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient quantities, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. Green-lipped mussel supports joint function, reduces their susceptibility to wear, and conditions the skin and fur of your pet. The food is rich in vitamins and minerals and contains no grains, slaughterhouse waste, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If the cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, the leftovers should be discarded, the bowl thoroughly rinsed, and only then should fresh food be placed in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat weight | Daily portion of food Sterilized/indoor cats | Active/outdoor cats 2-3 kg | 105-140 g | 170-225 g 4-5 kg | 175-200 g | 270-315 g 6-7 kg | 225-250 g | 355-390 g 8-10 kg | 275-320 g | 430-500 g Ingredients: lamb meat and turkey meat 72% (lamb 36% consisting of muscle meat, heart, stomach, and poultry 36% consisting of muscle meat, heart, stomach, liver), lamb and turkey broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1%. Analytical components: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2.4%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.32%, phosphorus 0.28%. Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg.

    €18,82 - €36,24

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Lamb & Turkey - grain-free wet food for cats, lamb and turkey GranataPet DeliCatessen Lamb & Turkey - grain-free wet food for cats, lamb and turkey

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Lamb & Turkey - grain-free wet food for cats, lamb and turkey

    Wet food for cats, GranataPet DeliCatessen Lamb & Turkey, made from the highest quality ingredients. It is produced using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, nor are any fillers or meat substitutes added. It is supplemented with valuable additions such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussels, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: - Healthy skin and shiny fur - Strong heart and muscles - Proper digestion and intestinal function - Strong bones and flexible joints Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. Proper hydration is essential for its health. Thanks to the high moisture content of wet food, cats do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stones. By providing GranataPet food to your pet, you ensure a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. GranataPet Lamb & Turkey wet food: a complete meal for adult cats containing 72% muscle meat and offal from lamb and turkey. Lamb is a good source of energy and quality protein, considered very well tolerated, and rarely causes food intolerances or allergies. Turkey is exceptionally easy to digest and contains high-quality protein, vitamins B12 and B6. It also contains significant amounts of potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have beneficial effects on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Salmon oil provides the body with unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6, essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the beautiful appearance of the skin and fur of your pet. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient amounts, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. Green-lipped mussels support joint function, reduce their susceptibility to wear, and condition the skin and fur of your pet. Rich in vitamins and minerals, the food contains no grains, slaughterhouse by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If your cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, discard the leftovers, thoroughly wash the bowl, and only then place fresh food in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat weight | Daily portion of food - Sterilized/indoor cats | Active/outdoor cats 2-3kg: 105-140g | 170-225g 4-5kg: 175-200g | 270-315g 6-7kg: 225-250g | 355-390g 8-10kg: 275-320g | 430-500g Ingredients: lamb meat and turkey meat 72% (lamb 36% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, stomachs, and turkey 36% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, stomachs, liver), lamb and turkey broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1%. Analytical constituents: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2.4%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.32%, phosphorus 0.28%. Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg.

    €13,30 - €60,95

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Lamb & Turkey - grain-free wet food with lamb and turkey, pouches for cats GranataPet DeliCatessen Lamb & Turkey - grain-free wet food with lamb and turkey, pouches for cats

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Lamb & Turkey - grain-free wet food with lamb and turkey, pouches for cats

    Wet food for cats, GranataPet DeliCatessen Lamb & Turkey, made from the highest quality ingredients. It is produced using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is supplemented with valuable additions such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussels, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and flavor of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to preserve as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny fur, strong heart and muscles, proper digestion and intestinal function, strong bones and flexible joints. Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. Proper hydration is essential for their health. Thanks to the high moisture content of wet food, cats do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stones. By providing GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure you are giving them a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Wet food for cats, Lamb & Turkey by GranataPet: a complete meal for adult cats containing 72% muscle meat and offal from lamb and turkey. Lamb is a good source of energy and valuable protein, considered to be very well tolerated and rarely causes food intolerances or allergies. Turkey is exceptionally easy to digest and contains high-quality protein, vitamins B12 and B6. It also contains significant amounts of potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Salmon oil provides unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6, essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the beautiful appearance of the skin and fur of your pet. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient quantities, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. A deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. Green-lipped mussels support joint function, reduce their susceptibility to wear, and condition the skin and fur of your pet. The food is rich in vitamins and minerals and contains no grains, meat by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is approximate. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Do not leave wet food open for more than a few hours. If the cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, discard the leftovers, thoroughly wash the bowl, and only then put fresh food in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat weight | Daily portion of food Sterilized/indoor cats | Active/outdoor cats 2-3kg | 105-140g | 170-225g 4-5kg | 175-200g | 270-315g 6-7kg | 225-250g | 355-390g 8-10kg | 275-320g | 430-500g Ingredients: lamb meat and turkey meat 72% (lamb 36% consisting of muscle meat, heart, stomach, and poultry 36% consisting of muscle meat, heart, stomach, liver), lamb and turkey broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1%. Analytical components: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.2%, raw ash 2.4%, raw fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.32%, phosphorus 0.28%. Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg.

    €10,45 - €37,69

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Pheasant & Coney - grain-free wet food for cats, pheasant with rabbit GranataPet DeliCatessen Pheasant & Coney - grain-free wet food for cats, pheasant with rabbit

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Pheasant & Coney - grain-free wet food for cats, pheasant with rabbit

    Wet food for cats, GranataPet DeliCatessen Pheasant & Coney with rabbit, produced from the highest quality ingredients. It is made using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable supplements such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussels, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control, and tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny fur, strong heart and muscles, proper digestion and intestinal function, strong bones and flexible joints. Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. Proper water levels in the body are essential for health. With the high moisture content of wet food, cats do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stone formation. By providing GranataPet food to your pet, you ensure a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Wet food for cats with pheasant and rabbit GranataPet Pheasant & Coney: a complete meal for adult cats containing 72% muscle meat and offal from pheasant, rabbit, and chicken. Juicy pheasant meat has a delicate game flavor and is very well accepted by dogs and cats. It is lean and low in calories, providing calcium, B vitamins, and omega-6 fatty acids in addition to proteins. Rabbit is a balanced source of energy and valuable protein, and its taste is very well received by animals. It contains up to three times more iron than poultry. Chicken provides a large amount of valuable and easily digestible protein, essential for the proper functioning of cats. It is characterized by low fat content and high nutritional value, being a source of B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Flaxseed oil provides a dose of unsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, improving skin and coat condition, and positively affecting joints. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient quantities, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. Green-lipped mussels support joint function, reduce susceptibility to wear, and condition the skin and coat of the pet. The food is rich in vitamins and minerals and contains no grains, slaughterhouse by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If the cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, leftovers should be discarded, the bowl thoroughly rinsed, and then fresh food added. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat weight | Daily portion of food Sterilized/indoor cats | Active/outdoor cats 2-3kg | 105-140g | 170-225g 4-5kg | 175-200g | 270-315g 6-7kg | 225-250g | 355-390g 8-10kg | 275-320g | 430-500g Ingredients: pheasant, rabbit, and chicken meat 72% (pheasant 20% consisting of muscle meat, hearts; rabbit 12% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, liver; chicken 40% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, stomach, liver), pheasant, rabbit, and chicken broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, flaxseed oil 1%, mineral substances 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1%. Analytical components: protein 10.8%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2.5%, crude fiber 0.3%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio.

    €18,82 - €60,95

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Pheasant & Coney - grain-free wet food with pheasant and rabbit, pouches for cats GranataPet DeliCatessen Pheasant & Coney - grain-free wet food with pheasant and rabbit, pouches for cats

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Pheasant & Coney - grain-free wet food with pheasant and rabbit, pouches for cats

    Wet food for cats, GranataPet DeliCatessen Pheasant & Coney with rabbit, made from the highest quality ingredients. It contains only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is supplemented with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussels, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and flavor of the meal. The food is produced in Germany, ensuring full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny fur, strong heart and muscles, proper digestion and bowel function, strong bones and flexible joints. Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. Proper water levels in the body are essential for health. Due to the high moisture content of wet food, cats do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stone formation. By providing GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure that you are offering a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Wet food for cats with pheasant and rabbit, GranataPet Pheasant & Coney: a complete meal for adult cats containing 72% muscle meat and offal from pheasant, rabbit, and chicken. Juicy pheasant meat has a delicate game flavor and is very well accepted by dogs and cats. It is lean and low-calorie, providing not only proteins but also calcium, B vitamins, and omega-6 fatty acids. Rabbit is a balanced source of energy and valuable protein, and its taste is very well accepted by animals. It contains up to three times more iron than poultry. Chicken provides a large amount of valuable and easily digestible protein, essential for the proper functioning of cats. It is low in fat and highly nutritious. It is a source of B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Flaxseed oil provides a dose of unsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, improving the condition of skin and fur, and positively affecting joints. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient amounts, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. Green-lipped mussels support joint function, reduce their susceptibility to wear, and condition the skin and fur of pets. The food is rich in vitamins and minerals, and contains no grains, slaughterhouse by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If the cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, any leftovers should be discarded, the bowl should be thoroughly rinsed, and only then should fresh food be placed in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat weight | Daily portion of food Sterilized/indoor cats | Active/outdoor cats 2-3kg | 105-140g | 170-225g 4-5kg | 175-200g | 270-315g 6-7kg | 225-250g | 355-390g 8-10kg | 275-320g | 430-500g Ingredients: pheasant, rabbit, and chicken meat 72% (pheasant 20% consisting of muscle meat, hearts; rabbit 12% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, liver; chicken 40% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, stomach, liver), pheasant, rabbit, and chicken broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, flaxseed oil 1%, mineral substances 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1%. Analytical components: protein 10.8%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2.5%, crude fiber 0.3%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio.

    €10,45 - €37,69

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Pheasant & Rabbit - grain-free wet food for cats, pheasant with rabbit GranataPet DeliCatessen Pheasant & Rabbit - grain-free wet food for cats, pheasant with rabbit

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Pheasant & Rabbit - grain-free wet food for cats, pheasant with rabbit

    Wet food for cats, GranataPet DeliCatessen Pheasant & Coney, made from the highest quality ingredients. It is produced using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additions such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussels, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subjected to full veterinary control, and tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny fur, strong heart and muscles, proper digestion and intestinal function, strong bones and flexible joints. Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. Proper hydration is essential for their health. Due to the high moisture content of wet food, cats do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stones. By giving GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure you are providing them with a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Wet food for cats with pheasant and rabbit, GranataPet Pheasant & Coney: a complete meal for adult cats containing 72% muscle meat and offal from pheasant, rabbit, and chicken. Juicy pheasant meat has a delicate game flavor and is very well accepted by dogs and cats. It is lean and low-calorie, providing not only protein but also calcium, B vitamins, and omega-6 fatty acids. Rabbit is a balanced source of energy and valuable protein, and its taste is very well received by animals. It contains up to three times more iron than poultry. Chicken provides a large amount of valuable and easily digestible protein, essential for the proper functioning of cats. It is characterized by low fat content and high nutritional value. It is a source of B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting components. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Flaxseed oil provides a dose of unsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, improving the condition of the skin and fur, and positively affecting the joints. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient amounts, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. Green-lipped mussels support joint function, reduce their susceptibility to wear, and condition the skin and fur of the pet. The food is rich in vitamins and minerals and contains no grains, slaughterhouse waste, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If the cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, the leftovers should be discarded, the bowl should be thoroughly rinsed, and only then should fresh food be added. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in a sealed container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat weight | Daily food portion Sterilized/indoor cats | Active/outdoor cats 2-3kg | 105-140g | 170-225g 4-5kg | 175-200g | 270-315g 6-7kg | 225-250g | 355-390g 8-10kg | 275-320g | 430-500g Ingredients: pheasant, rabbit, and chicken meat 72% (pheasant 20% consisting of muscle meat, hearts; rabbit 12% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, liver; chicken 40% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, stomach, liver), pheasant, rabbit, and chicken broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, flaxseed oil 1%, mineral substances 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1%. Analytical components: protein 10.8%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2.5%, crude fiber 0.3%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio.

    €13,07 - €24,62

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Pouch Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 6 Flavors, Set 1 GranataPet DeliCatessen Pouch Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 6 Flavors, Set 1

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Pouch Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 6 Flavors, Set 1

    Out of stock

    GranataPet DeliCatessen Cat Food Set includes: 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Venison & Tuna - 85g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Salmon & Turkey - 85g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck & Poultry - 85g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Lamb & Turkey - 85g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Salmon & Seafood - 85g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Veal & Coney - 85g GranataPet DeliCatessen wet cat food is made from the highest quality ingredients. It uses only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussels, and taurine, which enhance the nutritional value and flavor of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: - Healthy skin and shiny fur - Strong heart and muscles - Proper digestion and intestinal function - Strong bones and flexible joints Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. Proper hydration is essential for your cat's health. Thanks to the high moisture content of wet food, your cat does not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stones. By providing GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure that you are giving them a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Feeding instructions: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Do not leave wet food open for more than a few hours. If your cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, discard the leftovers, thoroughly rinse the bowl, and only then put fresh food in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. Nutritional recommendations Cat weight | Daily food portion Sterilized/indoor cats | Active/outdoor cats 2-3kg | 105-140g | 170-225g 4-5kg | 175-200g | 270-315g 6-7kg | 225-250g | 355-390g 8-10kg | 275-320g | 430-500g Ingredients GranataPet DeliCatessen Turkey & Duck: Turkey and duck meat 70% (turkey 65% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, liver, duck 5%), turkey and duck broth 25.9%, pumpkin 1%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical constituents: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.4%, crude ash 3%, crude fiber 0.4%, moisture 79% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg Ingredients GranataPet DeliCatessen Salmon & Turkey: Salmon and turkey meat 72% (salmon 20%, turkey consisting of muscle meat, hearts, liver), salmon and turkey broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, minerals 1%, edible mussel 0.1% Analytical constituents: protein 10.3%, fat content 6.1%, crude ash 2.4%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.32%, phosphorus 0.27% Dietary additives: taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg Ingredients GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck & Poultry: Duck meat and poultry meat 72% (duck 36% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, stomachs, and poultry 36% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, stomachs, liver), duck and poultry broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, minerals 1%, edible mussel 0.1% Analytical constituents: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2.4%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.32%, phosphorus 0.28% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg

    Out of stock

    €19,69 - €37,40

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Pouch Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 6 Flavors, Set of 2 GranataPet DeliCatessen Pouch Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 6 Flavors, Set of 2

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Pouch Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 6 Flavors, Set of 2

    GranataPet DeliCatessen Food Set includes: 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Turkey & Shrimps - 85g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Pheasant & Coney - 85g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Tuna & Duck - 85g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Lamb & Turkey - 85g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Veal & Coney - 85g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Turkey & Pheasant - 85g Wet food for cats, GranataPet DeliCatessen, is produced from the highest quality ingredients. Only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs) are used in its production. No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are included, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is supplemented with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and flavor of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: - Healthy skin and shiny fur - Strong heart and muscles - Proper digestion and intestinal function - Strong bones and flexible joints Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. The right level of water in the body is essential for its health. With the high moisture content of wet food, cats do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stone formation. By feeding GranataPet to your pet, you ensure a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If your cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, discard the leftovers, thoroughly rinse the bowl, and only then put fresh food in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat Weight | Daily Portion of Food Sterilized/Indoor Cats | Active/Outdoor Cats 2-3kg | 105-140g | 170-225g 4-5kg | 175-200g | 270-315g 6-7kg | 225-250g | 355-390g 8-10kg | 275-320g | 430-500g Ingredients for GranataPet DeliCatessen Turkey & Shrimps: Turkey and shrimp meat 72% (turkey 65% consisting of muscle meat, heart, liver, shrimp 7%), turkey and shrimp broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, flaxseed oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical components: Protein 10.5%, fat content 5.6%, crude ash 2.5%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 79%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.32%, phosphorus 0.25% Dietary additives: Vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg Ingredients for GranataPet DeliCatessen Pheasant & Coney: Pheasant, rabbit, and chicken meat 72% (pheasant 20% consisting of muscle meat, heart, rabbit 12% consisting of muscle meat, heart, liver, chicken 40% consisting of muscle meat, heart, stomach, liver), pheasant, rabbit, and chicken broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, flaxseed oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical components: Protein 10.8%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2.5%, crude fiber 0.3%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.33%, phosphorus 0.25% Dietary additives: Vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg Ingredients for GranataPet DeliCatessen Tuna & Duck: Tuna and duck meat 72% (tuna 20% and duck 52% consisting of meat, heart, stomach), tuna and duck broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical components: Protein 10.3%, fat content 5.5%, crude ash 2.2%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 79%

    €19,98 - €37,69

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Poultry - grain-free cat food with poultry GranataPet DeliCatessen Poultry - grain-free cat food with poultry

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Poultry - grain-free cat food with poultry

    Dry cat food, GranataPet DeliCatessen Poultry, made from the finest ingredients. It is produced using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subjected to full veterinary control, and tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen cat food is a recipe for: - Healthy skin and shiny coat - Strong heart and muscles - Proper digestion and intestinal function - Strong bones and flexible joints - Energy for all-day activity - Healthy urinary system - High immunity GranataPet DeliCatessen Poultry dry food: a complete meal for adult cats. Poultry meat provides a large amount of valuable and easily digestible protein, essential for the proper functioning of cats. It is characterized by low fat content and high nutritional value. It is very well absorbed and gentle on your pet's digestive system. It is a source of B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have beneficial effects on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the cat's skeletal and joint system. Salmon oil provides unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA and EPA, necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the skin and coat. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient amounts, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. Catnip: its presence in the food encourages the cat to show interest in the meal. It is also a source of nutrients. It contains no grains, slaughterhouse waste, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table are indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed the cat in two portions daily. Ensure your cat has constant access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat weight | Daily food portion Sterilized/indoor cats | Active/outdoor cats 2-3kg | 325-350g | 40-55g 4-5kg | 40-50g | 65-75g 6-7kg | 55-60g | 85-95g 8-10kg | 65-75g | 105-120g Tip: To keep GranataPet dry cat food fresh, the 9kg package is divided. The carton contains 3 bags weighing 3kg each. This ensures that your cat always enjoys a deliciously fragrant, non-stale meal. Additionally, the carton can be used to create a cat house. Ingredients: Poultry meat 44% (dried and finely ground), potato flakes (digested), poultry fat 11%, pomegranate seeds 3%, salmon oil 2%, minerals, powdered cellulose, catnip leaves (finely ground), FOS (fructooligosaccharides), New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin), Yucca schidigera. Analytical components: Protein 33%, fat content 19%, crude fiber 3%, crude ash 6.5%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 1.3%, phosphorus 1.1%. Dietary additives: Vitamin A 20000 IU, Vitamin D3 1000 IU, Vitamin E 120 mg, L-carnitine 500 mg, taurine 2000 mg, copper (pentahydrate copper(II) sulfate) 4.5 mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 60 mg, iodine (anhydrous calcium iodate) 1.6 mg, manganese (manganese(II) oxide) 6 mg.

    €4,35 - €47,98

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Pur - grain-free wet food for cats, salmon GranataPet DeliCatessen Pur - grain-free wet food for cats, salmon

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Pur - grain-free wet food for cats, salmon

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    Wet food for cats, GranataPet DeliCatessen Salmon PUR with salmon, made from the highest quality ingredients. It is produced using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and flavor of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen food is a recipe for: - Healthy skin and shiny fur - Strong heart and muscles - Proper digestion and intestinal function - Strong bones and flexible joints Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. Proper water levels in the body are essential for its health. With the high moisture content of wet food, cats do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stone formation. By providing GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure that you are offering a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced diet every day. GranataPet Salmon PUR wet food for cats with chicken: - A complete meal for adult cats with 72% salmon, providing protein and essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as the health and appearance of your pet's skin and fur. - Pomegranate seeds contain a range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have beneficial effects on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. - Flaxseed oil provides a dose of unsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, improving skin and fur condition and positively affecting joints. - Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient amounts, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is essential for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. - Green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the skeletal and joint systems. The food does not contain grains, meat by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Do not leave wet food open for more than a few hours. If the cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, discard the leftovers, thoroughly wash the bowl, and then place fresh food in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES Cat weight | Daily food portion - Sterilized/indoor cats | Active/outdoor cats 2kg | 105g | 170g 3kg | 140g | 225g 4kg | 175g | 270g 5kg | 200g | 315g 6kg | 225g | 355g 7kg | 250g | 390g 8kg | 275g | 430g 10kg | 320g | 500g Ingredients: salmon 72%, salmon broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, flaxseed oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical constituents: protein 9.8%, fat content 8%, crude ash 3%, crude fiber 0.4%, moisture 78%, calcium 0.35%, phosphorus 0.31% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 3000 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 2 mg

    Out of stock

    €1,92 - €19,18

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Pur Pouch Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 3 Flavors GranataPet DeliCatessen Pur Pouch Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 3 Flavors

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Pur Pouch Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 3 Flavors

    The GranataPet DeliCatessen food set includes: 8x GranataPet DeliCatessen Venison Pur - 85g 8x GranataPet DeliCatessen Chicken Pur - 85g 8x GranataPet DeliCatessen Veal Pur - 85g GranataPet DeliCatessen wet cat food is made from the highest quality ingredients. It uses only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo complete veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is the recipe for: healthy skin and a shiny coat strong heart and muscles proper digestion and gut function strong bones and flexible joints. Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. The right level of water in the body is essential for its health. Due to the high moisture content of wet food, the cat does not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stones. By giving GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure that you are providing a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Feeding instructions: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Do not leave wet food open for more than a few hours. If the cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, the leftovers should be discarded, the bowl thoroughly rinsed, and only then should fresh food be added. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in a sealed container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat Weight Daily Portion of Food Sterilized/Indoor Cats Active/Outdoor Cats 2-3kg 105-140g 170-225g 4-5kg 175-200g 270-315g 6-7kg 225-250g 355-390g 8-10kg 275-320g 430-500g Ingredients for GranataPet DeliCatessen Venison Pur: venison meat 72% (consisting of muscle meat, heart, lungs, liver), venison broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, flaxseed oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical components: protein 10.4%, fat content 6.8%, crude ash 2.3%, crude fiber 0.4%, moisture content 78%, calcium phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.4%, phosphorus 0.3% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg Ingredients for GranataPet DeliCatessen Chicken Pur: chicken meat 72% (consisting of muscle meat, heart, stomach, liver), chicken broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical components: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.3%, crude ash 2.2%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium 0.28%, phosphorus 0.25% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg Ingredients for GranataPet DeliCatessen Veal Pur: veal meat 72% (consisting of muscle meat, heart, lungs, liver), veal broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical components: protein 10.8%, fat content 7.3%, crude ash 2.1%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 76%, calcium 0.24%, phosphorus 0.21% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg

    €19,98 - €37,69

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